Platforms I Swear By


I use honeybook for all my invoicing, contracts, & proposals. I love that it streamlines my process and is easy for clients to use.


I am completely biased... but Showit is the best website platform to design on! It's SEO-focused, user-friendly, and has great customer service.


This is where I create beautiful emails that people are EXCITED to open. I want everything that comes from Juniperfolk to be gorgeous.

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My Go-To Programs

Creative Market

Hundreds of thousands of fonts, graphics, and more to help you design anything that you need! 

Jen Wagner Fonts

Jen Wagner Fonts

The perfect fonts for any design project. Sans serif, serif, handwritten, and more.

Logo Package Express

Logo Package Express

Export your logos & brand identities in seconds with this incredible Adobe extension.

check it out

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You're a busy business owner. Let me take care of the website.

so you can get back to the things that you're best at

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